It's still freezing here in the south!! I don't ever remember it being this cold for this long. Today's pictures for Outdoor Wednesday are of frozen water, of course. This is our fountain at Town Hall. You can see that it's definitely working, but the water around it is frozen. It almost looks like bubbles! The other frozen water is at my dentist's office. It's hard to tell in this picture, but it is frozen over. This is the view from the chair, where you can watch the squirrels and birds play and feed, but that day they couldn't get any water. The squirrels were running across the frozen tooth chasing each other. It looked like they were ice skating!! For more outdoor pics, please visit Susan at
A Southern Daydreamer.
Today is my Mama's birthday.

She is 75 years old. She probably doesn't want people to know, but I don't think she looks like it, so I feel like I can say it. Me and my sister are taking her out to lunch today to celebrate and give her her gifts. I can't say what we got her because she reads my blog and it wouldn't be a surprise, so sorry Mama...you have to wait until lunch.