Saturday, December 4, 2010

First Snowfall

HELP!  I am having trouble with the "shrink to fit" button on my header.  Sorry, that's why my header looks that way.  Is anyone else having trouble with their picture fitting in the header?  Any help would be appreciated!  In the meantime, we had our first snowfall of the season today.  It was beautiful!  Here are just a few shots that we took right before it got dark.


  1. I have had a little trouble with the header thing. If you look at mind it's not quite right and doesn't fit into the border around it. Wish I could help you but I'm at a loss.
    Thanks for stopping by today and for your sweet comment. I'm in the upstate of SC. We can't be that far from each other.
    Your house is beautiful. The all the lights and the pics of your first snow.

  2. It looks so pretty at your home Gina! :)

  3. If I have trouble with the header photo, I just resize the photo smaller.
